My family and I have had a young puppy, adopted rescue dogs and fostered several young dogs, plus care for friends' dogs when they travel, so I know what you’re going through and why you called for help!
In fact, I can thank our first family dog “Tuxedo Houdini Turtle Catcher Ferguson III” for kick starting my career in Dog Training. My charming husband decided to rescue, that wild young dog that had been returned to the shelter 3 times, so I was determined not to give up on both of them, LOL! Tux challenged me in every way possible. I will never forget the feeling of humiliation in a group training class, as I was water skiing across the pavement in front of the class participants, while he dragged me. I couldn’t gain his focus or calm him. I am the biggest animal lover, so it was very humbling and embarrassing. I will have you know that we got our act together after a lot of work allowing us to do wonderful things such as agility, winning obedience contests, and going to spend time at our favorite lake where he could be off-leash.
When I work with my clients I show up ready to listen and help them. I will be clear with expectations and provide support on multiple levels. Jokingly, for years, I would carry two bags, one was loaded with dog equipment and the other with special items such as a stress ball, tissues, and a bottle of wine to help the humans cope. This always eased the tension and was followed up with laughter. Working together as a team can provide the support, education, and knowledge needed to get you to your dog training goals with success.